Spotting a gender of an unborn baby can be identified in the grainy scans.

Gender of baby

Gender of baby

When expecting a child, soon-to-be parents wait for the 20 week period which is usually when the gender of a baby can be revealed.

However, there are hundreds of old wives' tales which have been used to try and distinguish what gender of the unborn baby is, but now a list has been compiled showing the actual ways to find out.

In the ultra-sound if there is an absence of a penis, it does not mean that the baby will be a girl, says VeryWellFamily, due to the penis and clitoris being roughly the same size at this stage of pregnancy.

For a boy, one of the signs is the turtle sign which is when the technician can see the tip of the penis peeking out from behind the testicles.

But for some other scans it is easier to see than in others.

For a girl, it is the hamburger sign where the sonographer will be looking out for three lines showing the external female genitalia.