New bra can only be undone by love

New bra can only be undone by love

A new bra can only be unfastened by love.

''The app then calculates the True Love Rate based on changes in the heart rate over time. When the True Love Rate exceeds a certain value, the bra hook is opened.''

The 'True Love Tester' has built in sensors to monitor the wearer's heartbeat and remains locked until a heart rate of genuine excitement is reached.

Japanese lingerie maker Ravijour designed the device with a clasp that automatically springs open if a rate of 'true love' is detected by a sensor. The bra then sends the message over Bluetooth to be analysed by an app.

Ravijour explained: ''When excited, the adrenal medulla [gland] secretes catecholamine, which affects the automatic nerve, and stimulates the heart rate. A sensor reads the woman's heart rate and sends it to a special app via Bluetooth for analysis.''

They continued: ''The app then calculates the True Love Rate based on changes in the heart rate over time. When the True Love Rate exceeds a certain value, the bra hook is opened.''

The bra is yet to become available to the public but is being offered as top prize in a competition held to celebrate Ravijour's tenth anniversary.

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