Happier Than She's Ever Been

Happier Than She's Ever Been

May Fitzgerald suddenly has everything she’s ever wanted. After years of feeling fat and frumpy and looking for love in all the wrong places, she finally has the life and man of her dreams.

It all should be so perfect - she had followed her inner voice and it led her to the
magical life she had dreamt of.

But as her new life as a successful author in San Francisco starts to take off, May’s old demons start to creep back to haunt her.

Her insecurities begin to kick in and she starts to fall for the praise and glitter of fame. Her behaviour pushes her boyfriend to the edge and looks set to destroy their relationship. Can she turn it all around and prove that it really is possible to have it all?

This charming book will appeal to all who loved Menna’s debut, Men, Money and Chocolate, now published in 21 languages worldwide and anyone who has ever been in love, or has kept trying, against all odds, to follow their dreams.

Menna van Praag, is a freelance writer, journalist and chocolate aficionado. She studied Modern History at Oxford University and in her summer break travelled across the USA writing regular travel pieces for student magazine, Cherwell.

It was during this time that she fell in love with San Francisco and thought one day of setting a book there. A few years later a chance conversation with her mother sparked a unique insight into love and life that inspired both Men, Money & Chocolate and Happier Than She’s Ever Been. She now lives happily in Cambridge with her husband of 14 years.