There is an Answer

There is an Answer

There is an Answer is mainly a compilation of various case histories that describe in detail how the origins of the emotional issues such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks etc., etc. were traced through my analytical process and the resulting emotions released thus resolving the neurosis permanently.

Why are most modern therapies focused on making the client feel better?

Because many of my clients have told me of their experiences when trying to find an answer to their particular dilemma. The process is usually to be prescribed medication often followed by counselling and more severe cases may be referred to a psychiatrist, but the root cause will frequently remain unresolved.

Why is this modern medicine not a permanent solution?

One must find root causes for permanent resolution otherwise the only alternative is to manage the issue which could involve many years of treatment.

Please tell us about your profession as a hypno-analyst.

My main body of work as a hypno-analyst is to regress my clients to earlier more insecure times when they had the least control over their lives and to uncover buried negative emotions that are responsible for their symptoms.

Why was it important to you to write your experiences down in a book?

My book is mainly case studies of how various, sometimes long standing symptoms, can be permanently resolved in a comparatively short period of time using a set procedure which is highly successful.

Why did you decide to include case studies in the book?

There are so many people who are suffering long term with neurosis in its various forms who need to be aware of the origins of their symptoms. It is my wish that the NHS may want to adopt this therapy as many of my clients have also expressed this to be their desire. It would save them many millions of pounds.

Why does your method tackle a whole range of issues?

The simple answer to this is that all symptoms have a cause which must originate from the clients past experiences as we are not born with such issues. Look within is the answer.

What is next for you?

I will continue to practice I love what I do and maybe I might even write another book if the demand and interest is present.


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