“This is your confession, your last chance to confess, of lives you have entered and with those that you’ve messed.

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I can give you redemption, I can make everything good. You do believe that’s possible, and that I could?”


“That’s a ridiculous first question that you pose, because how can bad become good after what I disclose?”


“Hmm, let’s start at the beginning it’s a good place to start. Or will you argue with that, and drive us further apart?”


“No, I have no wish to make things worse. I’m ready to start on that which we must converse.”


“That’s good, I’m pleased that you agree. I was thinking that there might arise some more difficulty. I will ignore your childhood, I’ll make allowances there. You were rash at times but you tried to be fair. Your adolescence deserves more of my disdain, there’s plenty there on which I could complain. But you are not here to be treated unfairly, nor are you here to make us both angry. We must search for the middle ground that we both can accept, that way neither of us will have a regret.


Now we come to what brings us together today. I need to discover your reasons for going astray. You must examine your core and examine it well, while I listen on and keep the score. At the moment you’re down as minus eight. I’m prepared to wipe that clean due to lack of evidence of any hate. Now come my questions and I’ll keep them brief, after all there’s little point in bestowing more grief.

Here comes my first and perhaps the most relevant. I would be obliged if your answers were as simple and as coherent.

My final thoughts will be based on this. My time is short, there are many more on my list.

What comes first as your most prominent sin, where would you wish to start to begin?”


“In order to start that which I must defend, allow me this opportunity to state that it was never my intension to offend. Obviously I have, otherwise you would not have summoned me here, as I understand things other simply pass through the gate marked All Clear. I have wronged much and this I cannot deny, as to your rules I did not always comply.

The blame does not rest on others for my plight, that would be stupid and plainly not right.

I tried to please all, that was my aim, if that was wrong then I accept that shame.

Pride, some could say, is my biggest offence and to that charge I have no defense.

But the biggest sin that at my door can be laid, is that I tried to change from the person you’d made.”


“You offer me nothing that I can see, to persuade me to grant you leniency.

Here is my judgement; I find you at fault. There’s no appeal, there is no higher court.

Take him away to another place and take that supercilious grin off his face.”


Danny Kemp, tried and found guilty on all charges.

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