1. I love Indian food. The best meal I ever had was a banquet in Kerala (near where 'The Girl From Lace Island' is set). That said, my naughtiest habit is cold take-away curry the next morning on toast. Heaven!

2. My kids always type 'The End' of every book - even if I have to drag them out of bed. It's a tradition. I'm usually greasy-haired, tear-stained and haven't slept for days by that point. As they type, I'm usually begging them to be accountants and not put themselves through the torture of being a novelist, but they're always very proud.

3. If I could be anything other than a writer, I'd have my own radio show. I'm naturally nosey and there's nothing I like more than hearing people's stories. It's true what they say: life is always way stranger than fiction.

4. It's important to make peace with your own foibles and faults. I'm told I'm a good cook, but I'm absolutely rubbish at baking. Cupcakes, birthday cakes - I have the knack of making them go spectacularly wrong. I used to get upset, but now I laugh.

5. I'm a great believer in collaboration. I've written many books with my husband, Emlyn Rees. Writing novels is a lonely business so I'm really lucky to have Emlyn around during the day. If he wasn't there, I would seriously procrastinate. He's also extremely useful if I get a plot crisis.

6. My secret guilty pleasure is watching musicals. Ever since I saw 'Grease' as a kid, I'm a sucker for a happy ending. I just saw 'Guys and Dolls' in the West End. Amazing.

7. I'm a firm believer that reading can change the course of your life. When I was writing 'The Girl From Lace Island,' I read 'Being Mortal' by Atul Gwande which enabled me to have the most incredible chat about death with my Mum before she died.

8. I'm very decisive. You have to make quick choices as a writer and have faith in your decisions. In life I think it's important to say what you want. Don't be an 'I don't mind' kind of person. The first time Emlyn proposed (very late one night) I said jokingly, 'but I want fireworks and champagne!' When he proposed properly, he asked the question with a sparkler. It was SO romantic.

9. My party trick is that I can play any tune on a recorder.

10. My motto is: Always be kind. It's the number one rule of any relationship.