Firstly I would say that faith helps us to handle and cope better with life depending on what we have faith in. I trust in a creator who has our wellbeing in mind; body, mind and spirit.

June Francis

June Francis

Secondly I believe my faith gives me answers to the big questions in life, such as fear. We can be fearful of many things but the biggest is death. Due to developments in medical science extending our life span in lots of cases we are inclined to avoid thinking of our mortality though none of us can avoid death, but I have faith in a creator who has promised me life after death for having faith which is a great comfort to me.

This leads me on to loss in many forms – the greatest being the loss of a loved one. Faith helps me to let go off them into my creator’s care, believing that they are secure in his love and a time will come when we will be united again. Until that time I am comforted by photographs and memories of them despite suffering grief over their loss and missing their company.

My faith also assures me that there is a purpose to life and that when things go wrong, such as not getting the job we want or losing our job or the house we had set our heart on, or if sickness or financial loss threaten our sense of security, it doesn’t mean we should sink into the doldrums but accept that good can still come out of the disappointments that happen in life.

We live in an age that wants a superman or wonder woman to deal with our difficulties and problems by using super magical powers because most people can’t cope alone and would like them to just vanish. Faith in a Saviour who walked this earth and knows what it is like to feel pain and loss, enables me to put my trust in him to help me cope with the difficulties and fears in a global world where we are bombarded with acts of terrorism and sufferings daily in the media. My faith tells me that good can defeat evil.

By faith I believe in a God of love and what’s that old saying: love makes the world go round. Love can work wonders but it also needs to be worked at. Everyone needs and wants to be loved and faith can help us with this in an age when relationships of all kinds fail when temptation comes and promises are broken as easy as pie crusts.

Lastly I have faith in women to change the world in an age when not only do we have a Queen who has a faith and has kept true to it through many difficulties but we also have a prime minister who sees the importance of unity and working together. Also there could not be a better time for women of faith to fill roles of equal standing in the Anglican church with men and sharing their gifts for the good of communities.