By definition, badass means “a tough, uncompromising, or intimidating person.” And in many respects, particularly when speaking about women, this is true. Why? Because seeing a woman standing boldly in the truth and integrity of who she really is, a woman defying social and gender conditioning and expectations can appear tough, uncompromising and intimidating to those still living inauthentically.

Michelle Catanach

Michelle Catanach

Here are my 5 tips on how to be a badass:

Don’t fear judgment. You have no control over how others perceive or judge you. You are not responsible for their thoughts and feelings towards you. Recognise that when you’re feeling judged, you’re feeling thought and your own self-judgment in that moment. Reflect on the parts of you that you are judging. Also recognise your judgment of others as a mirror for parts of you that remain unexpressed. Feel into the feelings that arise, then take the action. For regardless of what others may or may not be thinking of you, it is you who is ultimately blocking your path.

Know you are worthy. Contrary to outside influence(s) other people don’t get to decide how worthy you are. YOU do. And your level of worthiness is directly correlated to your thinking in the moment. We all have off days. We all have an inner bully that is louder on some days more than others. Yet you can choose whether or not to listen. Know that the fact that you are living and breathing right here, right now, is evidence in itself that you ARE worthy and have a valid place in this world.

Own who you are, your light, your dark and all the messy parts in between. Feel all the feelings. Lean into your discomfort. There’s no such thing as a bad emotion, simply energy that needs to be expressed in all its many multi-faceted forms. Be present to the murkiness in your shadow, the parts of you you’re desperately trying to hide. It’s not all love and light, and that’s okay. Because stepping into your shadow, allowing yourself to truly feel what needs to be felt and owning your WHOLE self is the source of self-acceptance, unconditional love and, ultimately, liberation.

Find your voice. Honour your boundaries. Speak up when you are wronged and don’t be afraid to walk away. Recognise that your feelings and experiences are valid, even when others cannot see it. And validate the feelings and experience of others, always. We are all seeing and experiencing life through our own unique lens. Recognise your own privilege and use it to be the voice for those still harmed, abused and silenced. You do not need to be the loudest person in the room, you simply need to spark a conversation.

Reclaim your power. You cannot control anything or anyone outside of you, you are not responsible for another person’s actions or behaviour towards you, yet you can choose how you respond. By all means feel angry, enraged, grieve. Allow yourself every spectrum of emotion. Yet do not allow it to define you.