By Neil Seligman, author of 100 Mindfulness Meditations

Neil Seligman

Neil Seligman

Mindfulness is all the rage these days, loved by celebrities including Sadie Frost and Emma Watson for its proven benefits including better mental health, happiness and wellbeing.

With the new year just under way, now’s the perfect time to discover mindfulness for yourself. Neil Seligman, author of comprehensive how-to guide 100 Mindfulness Meditations, reveals how to get into the meditative practice and set off on the right path to increased tranquillity in 2017.


Mindfulness is a simple type of meditation that is not connected with any religious or spiritual beliefs.  You can reap the benefits with as little as 20 minutes’ practice a day, setting aside some dedicated time practicing techniques, sitting in quiet contemplation, building compassion, and learning how to apply mindful attention to your daily activities. Like any skill worth having, mindfulness does take time to learn and even longer to master. The good news, however, is that almost as soon as you start practising, you will start feeling the benefits!


There are almost infinite benefits to mindfulness so when starting out, it’s a good idea to consider what your personal motivations are for taking it up. Being clear about what you would like to see change in your life and everyday experience will allow you to track your developments and keep you engaged. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

Why are you interested in mindfulness?

What are you hoping mindfulness will give you?

What are you seeking to change or improve in your life?

If, for instance, you are trying to decrease your stress-levels then mindfulness is certainly a good choice. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an eight-week course developed exactly for that reason and there are now many teachers around the UK that offer it.

Perhaps, instead, you are hoping to dial-back your digital addiction? Mindfulness can help you become more aware of your unconscious behaviours and develop the ability to resist the urge to churn continuously through emails, social media or online shopping.

Would you like to spend more quality time with your children? The techniques you learn during your mindfulness practice will help you notice when you are ‘present’ in the moment and when you’re distracted. In time this can help you choose consciously to really engage your child’s present-moment reality. Children crave this sort of attention and benefit hugely when it is compassionately and generously given.

Are you stepping up at work and need to feel more confident and less anxious taking on a bigger role? Mindfulness is used by many companies as a wellbeing intervention to assist in the overall health of the company and employees. Being centred in the present moment, noticing that you have the skills to take the right next step (even if it’s just to ask for more support), can direct your mind away from exhausting catastrophizing and keep you centred.


Some people become convinced that mindfulness is ‘not for them’ because of a bad experience getting started. Certainly the first few weeks of practice can be quite frustrating if you don’t know what to expect, or if you’ve been misled that mindfulness practice will instantly transport you to eternal peacefulness. It won’t! That sort of state takes practice to discover and longer to master, so just start at the beginning and allow your mind-chatter to gradually settle into serenity.

Now you are clear on what mindfulness is and your reasons for taking it up, you will need to choose from a multitude of wonderful learning materials out there. These questions can help you find the right pathway to learning:

1) How  do you like to learn? Personal coaching or group courses, or through books, audio guides or apps?

2) How much time do you have? Some courses require significant amounts of daily homework so will it be more realistic for you to learn from materials at your own pace?

3) When will you practice? At home in the morning or evening? During the daily commute? Whenever you get a free moment, or during class if on a course?

However you proceed with mindfulness, remember you are taking the first steps to an incredibly rewarding, fulfilling  and fun activity. Good luck!

100 Mindfulness Meditations: The Ultimate Collection of Inspiring Daily Practices by Neil Seligman (Conscious House) is available now in paperback, priced £12.99.  Neil will be leading a Luxury Mindfulness Retreat at Champneys Forest Mere from May 5-7, 2017.