Get Published on Female First

Get Published on Female First

Give us a break. Save us from the doom and gloom.

Save your tales of woe. Sing a happy song.

It doesn’t have to be sincere, just convincing.

Consider it a moment of release from all that is wrong.

Are you in Pain? Grin and bear it.

Want to hear about mine?

The world is hard, tough; the fittest survive!

Ask no questions, hear no lies!

Good things go bad; bad things can create something good

(I am told). Fake it until you make (positive thinking rules).

Until you hit that wall that stands firm against entreaty.

Stagger, drop to the ground; ask, “What happened?”

Questions will not be denied. Live in darkness if you wish.

It’s cold and brittle here in the light, run from your shadow if you can.

It’s only a shadow. It moves when you do: all a matter of perspective.

Sing you a happy song? Sprinkle Fairy Dust?

It might have worked for Peter Pan (who wants to grow old – and embittered?).

Sing you a happy song; paint rainbows in the sky; where’s the rain?

The storm that ripped trees out the ground, shattered houses;

Created the homeless; sing a happy song?

Give me the scream of anger, impotent and heartfelt.

Maybe then, in the silence that follows; maybe then

I might sing a happy song. You will laugh.

Chide me, say “I prefer my coffee black.”

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