The Return

The Return

These are my top 5 tips for writing paranormal romance. Keep in mind, these are just my tips. Just like reading, writing is purely subjective!

  1. Contemporary paranormal

That’s what I call my paranormals. They are grounded in reality. Characters, even if they are Greek gods, aliens, or demons, they go through every day life things like heading to Starbucks or having relationship drama llama. Some readers when reading my paranormal books almost forget they are dealing with paranormal creatures. I think writing it this way makes it more relatable.

  1. No kitchen sink here

Some in the business refer to certain paranormals as having the kitchen sink element.  Meaning everything but the kitchen sink is involved—vampires, demons, weres/shifters, big foot, witches, fae, demons, Nessie, and so on. This does work for many, many series and authors, but it can be overwhelming to readers dipping their toes into paranormals. I like to focus on one or two paranormal creatures per series.

  1. Got to keep it real

Even though I’m writing about the children of Greek gods and the Titans, it has to be believable. Once I create the world in which my characters exist in and set rules, I cannot break those rules or ‘jump the shark.’ Reading paranormal requires a suspension of disbelief, but it should also read as if it is possible that these creatures exist.

  1. Make it your own

One of the things I do not do is delve into too much research or myths already done or paranormal creatures. I want to be able to create my own beings, break the myths and completely recreate what you may know about the Greek gods or the Titans. I make them my own. And I also don’t want to be bogged down by the whole been there, done that.

  1. Tell the story you want to read

This goes for writing in any genre. Write the story you want to read. Don’t worry about trends or if it’s already been done. Write a good story. No matter what, there are readers there for you. Unless you’re writing about were llamas, then you might have some difficulty. Just a little.


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