Amazingly, shopping cures morning sickness! Now isn’t that lucky for someone with as much to buy as Becky Bloomwood.After all, her baby can't be expected to sleep in just any old cot, or travel around in anything but the latest designer pram. These baby accessories aren’t as easy as one might think; there are endless potential pitfalls and crucial decisions to be made. Should she and Luke go for the travel system pram with carrycot and car seat, or the camouflage off-road jogger with the sprung axle and articulated chassis? Or the shopping-and-lattes one with the cup holder? Or the whizzy fold-up one for the car? What about the limited edition Lulu Guinness iPod one?And should she feel reassured with just an obstetrician, or, to be safe, is it better to call on the services of a reflexologist as well? And a hot-stone massage therapist of course, and an aromatherapist, an acupuncturist, a homeopath and a doula? And let’s not forget the importance of the ancient Maori birthing stone…We haven’t even started on the clothing, either for Becky or for the baby! There’s a lot to think about…

Sophie Kinsella is the author of six previous bestselling novels including Can You Keep A Secret?, The Undomestic Goddess and, of course, the Shopaholic series.

She lives in London with her husband and family, including one quite small baby who has to manage with cast-offs.Sophie Kinsella