The housemates failed the lastest Big Brother task last night.Liam emerged from the Diary Room and announced dully, "I've just been to the year 3027."Liam explained that housemates had been asked to change the future - and by failing to invent electricity in 1847, beat BB3 housemates Alex and Adele at sport in 2002, answer history questions in the time travelling test, start a fire or invent the wheel in 100,000 BC, the group have failed the Task. This means they'll be on basic shopping rations for the rest of the week. "I had to go into space planet world and listen to that f****** tune," Liam told them. "The one that makes you want to dance." "We like that one," Tracey raved."I had no underpants on," Liam laughed, "and I asked them what space travel was like without underpants. They said travelling with underpants would be more suitable, but this time you'll be alright!"

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