Ask Tesadufleri Sever

Ask Tesadufleri Sever

It's 1977 and a man is hurriedly driving his expectant wife to hospital so that she can give birth.

On his way he crashes into another car, within which is another pregnant lady whose labour is brought on prematurely as a result of the collision.

Two babies - a boy and a girl - are born on the same day - this is the first of many coincidences that unite Ozgur (Mehmet Gunsur) and Deniz (Belcim Bilgin) and equally keep them apart.

Several times throughout their young lives, curious forces tantalizingly bring them together and then cast them asunder, each time renewing the love and heartache they feel for each other, as well as drastically altering their lives and the lives of their families.

That is until they meet again in Istanbul 25 years later when everything changes...

Starring: Mehmet Gunsur, Belcim Bilgin

Ask Tesadufleri Sever is released 4th February.