Dream Interpretation

18 May 2022

National Cheese Souffle Day: What does it mean to dream about a souffle?

The word souffle comes from the French verb meaning ‘to breathe’, so it’s possible you need to take a breather from a situation in your waking life to get some ...
18 May 2022

National Juice Slush Day: What does it mean to dream about slush?

Slush can mean melted snow or ice, excessive sentiment or to make a squelching or splashing sound- so what does it mean when we dream about any of these variations?  Slush, ...
18 May 2022

International Museum Day: What does it mean to dream about a museum?

Dreaming about a museum usually means you need to look to your past in order to find answers to something in your present. If you were with your family, friends ...
17 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about Johnny Depp?

Johnny Depp is at the heart of the media’s attention right now so it’s no surprise that he is slipping into the dreamscapes of many people- whether they are a ...
17 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about a tassel?

To dream about a tassel depends on what it was being used for.  To see a decorative tassel in your or someone else’s home suggests that you need to give something ...
17 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about a pack rat?

To dream about a pack rat suggests that you are hoarding something unnecessarily.  The very definition of a pack rat is ‘someone who keeps things that they do not need’. There ...
17 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about walnuts?

If you see a walnut in its shell in your dream, it’s telling you that you shouldn’t give up when you come across an obstacle in life. If you are ...
17 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about a rat?

Dreaming about a rat can be a pun for person in your waking life who is a 'rat'- do you feel betrayed by someone close to you? Rats are also associated ...
17 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about packing?

If you dream about packing up your personal effects- you may be preparing for some change in the near future. You are equipped for this change and you know it’s ...
17 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about cobbles?

To dream about cobbles or a cobblestone road suggests that you have a good foundation.  There is stability and security in your world and you rely on this to make ...
17 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about a graduation?

To dream about a graduation represents your most recent achievements. Perhaps you have transitioned to a higher level at work, at college or university and you feel a sense of ...
17 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about cherries?

When you dream of cherries fallen from the tree, it can symbolize love, sweetness and happiness with a partner while spoiled cherries could mean the opposite- a disappointing romantic life. ...
16 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about tennis?

To dream about playing tennis implies that you are giving as good as you are getting lately.  Someone is toying with you and you are holding your own. If this is ...
16 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about a tree?

If the tree was lush and green in your dream, this could be a symbol of hopes and growth. You may have seen this in your dreamscape if your life ...
16 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about a neighbour?

To dream about having a good neighbour- one that is kind, generous and helps you out, indicates you will enjoy your home and you will live in domestic bliss. Dreaming about ...
12 May 2022

World Aquatics Championships: What does it mean to dream about diving?

Ahead of the World Aquatics Championships which includes swimming, water polo and of course- diving, we take a look at what it means to dream about the sport.  To dream ...
11 May 2022

IFSC Climbing World Cup: What does it mean to dream about climbing?

Ahead of the IFSC Climbing World Cup at the end of May, we thought we would take a look at what it means to dream about the sport.  Consider the phrase ...
11 May 2022

National Receptionists' Day: What does it mean to dream about a receptionist?

If you were talking to a receptionist in your dream then perhaps you need the help of someone else in your waking hours. You could try navigating through life on your ...
11 May 2022

National Foam Rolling Day: What does it mean to dream about foam?

To dream about foam in the bath that’s overflowing onto the floor or foam that is bubbling over the sides of a cup, could mean that there is an area of ...
11 May 2022

National Twilight Zone Day: What does it mean to dream about twilight?

If it was twilight in your dreamscape, it’s possible you are coming to the end of something in your waking hours. A relationship, a friendship, a project, a job- anything ...
11 May 2022

What does it mean to dream about the Eurovision Song Contest?

As we gear ourselves up for the Eurovision Song Contest, it’s highly likely that more and more people will be dreaming about it in anticipation of the action starting on Saturday ...
10 May 2022

National Clean Up Your Room Day: What does it mean to dream about cleaning?

When you dream about cleaning, it is generally about cleansing your life of some negativity or overcoming an obstacle. You have increased confidence and are looking to improve yourself. If ...
10 May 2022

Sporting Dream Interpretations: What does it mean to dream about basketball?

Basketballs are full, symmetrical and resilient- all of which could represent your personality- perhaps you feel you've fulfilled what you want to, your life is balanced and you have built ...
10 May 2022

European Canoe Slalom Championships 2022: What does it mean to dream about a canoe?

Ahead of the European Canoe Slalom Championships at the end of this month, we decided to take a look at what it means to dream about canoeing both as a hobby ...