If you made or were eating fudge in a dream, it's possible that you are enjoying your life to the full right now.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

It might also act as a warning to cut back if you are engaging in too many excesses. Perhaps you are eating more than your body needs in your waking hours or spending too much money. Do you need to save your heard earned cash and pay closer attention to your health?

It could be a pun for 'fudging' something like paperwork, a job or answers to questions you don't know fully understand. Are you feeling guilty about it? Is it time to do things more honestly? Where is your current approach really getting you? 

Another interpretation is that you have the potential to fulfil a short term goal by taking the softer option. You may feel the need to exaggerate its value to yourself or others to justify your decisions.

If you dreamed of buying fudge or being given it as a gift, it's possible you are going to experience some ups and downs soon in your life.

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about cookies?

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