When you see poinsettias in your dream- they often symbolize joy, festivity and good health.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

With Christmas around the corner, it might be that you are looking forward to all of these things and you are impatient for their arrival. On the other hand, perhaps you crave them because you fear they might not come to fruition. 

A more negative connotation is that you need your spirit lifting if you are not feeling joyful or festive right now. What can you do to get in the mood for the upcoming celebrations? If something has happened of late that means you can’t enjoy it to the full, what can you do to get through it? Do you need to call on someone for help?

Poinsettias come from the Mexican legend of a child who had no means to give a gift so she gathered weeds from the side of the road to place at the church altar as an angel told her to (Wikipedia).

On Christmas Eve, the whole congregation saw the weeds turn into red and green flowers. It's possible that you think you can't give a lot this Christmas to those you are close to, if you are having financial troubles. However this could be your subconscious telling you to give what you can and make the most of the time spent with loved ones instead.

One reason it is included in Christmas decoration is because the star shape of the leaves are thought to represent the Star of Bethlehem, which is believed by some to guide the Wise Men to Jerusalem. 

In your dreamscape, the poinsettia might represent something that is guiding you in the right direction. Consider who else was in the dream for additional meaning as this person might be trying to put you on the most suitable path to reach your goals. 

As well as a guide, the star is believed to have marked the birth of Christ so to see a poinsettia in your dream could mean the start of something in your waking hours. 

Continuing with the religious theme, the red of the poinsettia is also thought to represent the blood sacrifice of Christ, so perhaps you have sacrificed something lately and the flower is symbolic of this. 

Have you given up something for the sake of someone else? Have you done a selfless act to make sure someone else is happy?

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about a prize?

When you win a prize in a dream, it often signifies an emotional satisfaction or feelings of success. Perhaps you have made progress with a personal development or reached a big goal and you now feel more confident than you once did because of it. Maybe you feel you deserve this accolade because you came up with the idea, you executed it and you saw it through to the end so you are not ashamed of feeling pleased with yourself. On the flipside, you might be feeling resentful that you aren't being rewarded with a prize for your efforts. You may have worked really hard on something and if you expected some recognition at the end of it all, and haven't been given any- it's possible you are feeling cheated. To read more click HERE 

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