To dream about polka dots suggests that your life is full of routine and monotony.

We find out what it means to dream about polka dots

We find out what it means to dream about polka dots

Perhaps you need to break out of these ruts and change up the pace a little. Your desire for newness might be even more intense if the polka dots were misshapen in your dreamscape.

On the flipside, the polka dots could mean that you have stability, continuity and consistency in your life which might be something you’re grateful for if you have experienced a lot of ups and downs in the run up to this.

Polka dots are of course round in shape so perhaps the dream is referring to your circle of friends or family circle. Do you need to spend more time with these people?

This shape is also synonymous with infinity- so are you confident that something in your life will last? A job? A relationship? A good habit? If so- enjoy your new-found faith in whatever it is that fills you with a sense of longevity.

Circles have no start and no end so it’s possible you feel you are stuck in an unending cycle and you need to find a way to put a stop to it. Can you do this on your own or do you need help from others? Strength in numbers might be your key to success.

Polka dots might signify bad habits that you have allowed into your everyday life that you need to break. Consider what you do on a regular basis that is negatively affecting your health and happiness.

Or are you plagued by bad thoughts? If so- how can you readjust your thinking?

Polka dots often appear on playful outfits such as bathing suits and lingerie or on toys, so the dream could be telling you to have more fun and enjoy each day more if you lean towards the more serious side of life.  


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