To see a web in your dreamscape can mean that you have a desire to control everything and everyone around you.

What does it mean to dream about a web?

What does it mean to dream about a web?

On the other hand, it could indicate that you are being held back from expressing your true thoughts and emotions. You may feel trapped or manipulated and don’t know how to escape. You may consider yourself to be left out in the open.

It’s possible you need to spend some time on carefully untangling and undoing problems before you can make your next move.

Consider the metaphor attached with webs- are you in a ‘sticky situation’ you don’t know how to get out of?

Another phrase commonly associated with webs is ‘oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive’ (Walter Scott). Are you acting dishonestly or telling lies? Or do you fear someone else is acting this way towards you and telling you untruths for their own gain?

The dream can also symbolize your social life- the people you spend your time with outside of work. Do you need to invest in this more, or are you letting the scales tip in its favour and neglecting your responsibilities?

If the web was strong and non-elastic, then you will not fall victim of people who wish to seek favours from you. Webs can represent the worldwide web and your connections and communications with other people. Are thy effective or not? Perhaps the dream is telling you to spend less time on the web and more time with people in the flesh?

It’s possible you are sharing too much information on the web and your subconscious is urging you to be less free and easy with your personal life.

On the flipside, it might be telling you to utilize the web to achieve more in your professional life. If so, your future ventures might prosper- that is, if you create a vast network of contacts or yourself.
