Jayne is confronted by journalists as she arrives at Holby, they want to know what she is planning to do about immigration declining the Tan family asylum in the UK. Jayne braves the reporters and states that she is going to do whatever she can do for the health and well being of the twins.

Kyla overhears Daisha and Mark talking about HR wanting to make the Keller Sister job official. Daisha has only been doing it on a temporary basis and Mark feels she is up to the position but Kyla thinks she is too – and she used to do the job before. Although things are going well with Kyla and her son Max, money is tight and she could do with the increase in her salary. Kyla and Daisha both try to get Mark’s attention as he has influence over who gets the job. He watches Daisha and Kyla in action but secretly wants Daisha to get the job due to her situation.

Maria starts to doubt the intentions of Aaron (her e-mail admirer) as Donna and Maddy say that he could be out to hurt her. This isn’t helped by a patient, Tyler Philips who is brought in after falling through glass and is apparently HIV positive. The patient’s girlfriend is with him and continually makes the point of his condition to Maria but asks her not to tell anyone as he doesn’t like people to know. As the patient comes out of surgery Maddy wants to know what drugs he has been taking for his treatment as they don’t want him to miss a dose.

Linden is visiting the Tan family and sees/hears Jayne’s speech, finding out that immigration has turned them down. Linden wasn’t told and neither were the Tans. Linden tries to re-assure them about the immigration debacle. As Director of Surgery, Ric gets involved with Linden about to appeal against their treatment.

Tyler doesn’t seem to be reacting well to the HIV drugs as he continues to vomit. He asks to be alone with Maddy and Maria and informs them that he isn’t carrying HIV and had made it up hoping that it would scare off his girlfriend. Maddy and Maria are shocked at the notion and tell him he must inform her that he is lying to her but he wants to keep it from her.

Ric is put in a difficult position as Jayne informs him that he has to make redundancies and Lola is top of the list. Jayne accidently leaves the list in Ric’s office to be found by Mark who reads it and sees Lola’s name at the top. Mark informs Lola. Ric tries to break the news to her but fails as she talks Ric out of telling her with sweet gestures.

The Korean father, Mr Tan, speaks to Linden in broken English – if the twins are in good health why put them into more danger by trying to separate them? The surgery’s too risky and they could lose them both. Linden goes through the reasons why but there is only a 50 / 50 chance of survival. If they separate them, the chances are that only one twin will have a good heart, therefore risking the other twin. One twin could die. He takes advice from Ric and Connie, weighing up the general surgical and cardio-vascular risks. All three think it’s a risk worth taking. Linden is sure that there’s no argument and that the procedure has to be done.

Meanwhile, Maria begins to feel sorry for Tyler’s girlfriend and demands he tell her the truth. When he doesn’t, Maria decides to tell her anyway. Donna compares Tyler to Maria’s admirer, saying he could be anyone out to hurt her. Maria starts to have doubts, but they soon disappear when flowers are delivered for her from Aaron.

Faye gets wind of the twins debate and talks to Linden about her son Archie. He’s happy and living a wonderful life and even with his condition she wouldn’t change him for the world. Linden has now been thrown off track - could the twins live a happy life if they remain conjoined?

Mark informs Ric that he and Lola know about his intention to sack her. Ric finds Lola talking to Jayne who is going to break the news to her. Ric tells her to leave but Lola won’t go without a fight and mentions legal action – at which Jayne offers her more money to take redundancy. As Lola leaves Ric grabs her arm and tells her that he knows her plan – he has realised that she was planning to leave all along and knowing her time was limited was trying get the most she could.

Linden begins to become emotionally involved in the Tan family. He’s a Surgeon and must do what is medically best. Backed by Ric he starts to assemble a team and just has to convince the Tans. He talks to the father who believes that this is God’s way. They were born together and perhaps they should stay together, leaving their future in the hands of God.