With National Cake Week in full swing, new research commissioned by Mr Kipling now shows that a slice of the treat is often used as a currency when the British are trying to get ahead in life.

Nearly a quarter (24%) of those questioned have said they'll buy cake for somebody when they want help, with one in five using cake to gain likeability with some, whilst 5% admit they'll even use cake to try and get somebody into bed.

UK bosses must receive a shed load of the sweet stuff, with 10% of Brits admitting to buying it for their boss in the hopes it'll result in a pay rise, whilst 11% would use cake to try and get a discount on some sort of service or goods. Almost 20% also admitted they'd buy cake for somebody in the hope they'll at some point return the favour.

One in six (16%) of women said they'd give up sex forever for a slice of their favourite cake whenever they desired it, whilst nearly a quarter of Brits said they'd put social media down if it meant they could eat cake when they'd like. 23% of us would sacrifice wine for cake, with 15% giving up reading and 13% giving up retail therapy.

Mr Kipling marketing director Phil Ellis said: "Cake really does capture the nation's heart and sits at the centre of many special moments in our lives. Whether it's a cup of coffee and cake with a catch up with friends, or a slice of your favourite flavour while taking a well-earned break, cake can really brighten a person's day.

"I'm really not surprised to see so many people willing to give up essentials and luxuries, but Mr Kipling will always encourage you to share!"

The study also discovered the UK's top 10 favourite cakes, which came back as follows:

  1. Chocolate (50%)
  2. Victoria Sponge (31%)
  3. Lemon Drizzle (28%)
  4. Carrot (26%)
  5. Cherry Bakewell (23%)
  6. Coffee (16%)
  7. Christmas Cake (15%)
  8. Battenberg (14%)
  9. Angel Slices (13%)
  10. Madeira (8%)

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