Acai berries are said to have a number of health benefits

Acai berries are said to have a number of health benefits

The acai berry perhaps first received recognition on Oprah Winfrey’s show when she included it on her list of top 10 super foods. It’s since been linked to everyone from surfing icon Kelly Slater to Brad Pitt who apparently used it to slim down to 5% body fat for a recent film role.  

Boosts the immune system?

One health benefit of the acai berry that is cited time and again is its immune boosting properties. This is because it’s a great source of vitamins and minerals like selenium, vitamin A and chemical compounds known as antioxidants and anthocyanins that all help to fight off disease and rid the body of harmful toxins. Specifically high levels of vitamin A and selenium have been shown to increase white blood cells in the body which are responsible for attacking ‘foreign’ invaders, whilst its anti-oxidant properties help to prevent harmful free radicals from damaging the body by causing premature aging or in the worst case scenario cancer. 

Improves skin?

Another reason acai berries are the favourite food amongst Hollywood’s elite at the moment is because of its skin enhancing properties. Containing high levels of zinc it helps proper functioning of the enzymes which are required by the body to repair skin wounds and reduce stubborn acne outbreaks, lessen stretch marks, improve dandruff and even eradicate white spots on the fingernails. Also again the vitamin A content helps skin to retain its natural moisture which produces glowing skin without the appearance of dry patches, psoriasis and even wrinkling.

Helps the body lose fat?

Lastly there’s a lot of speculation as to whether acai berries help you lose weight. Whilst it’s true it doesn’t in the traditional sense of increasing the metabolism like caffeine, acai berries are found to be a great source of omega 3 which has been shown in studies to ‘up-regulate’ mitochondrial activity. The mitochondria are basically the powerhouses of the cells and by ensuring they are running efficiently you also ensure your body can burn fat efficiently. Also as we’ve discovered they are very nutrient dense which is perhaps why many celebrities will include them in their diet if they are restricting their food intake. Because whilst reducing your food intake is obviously important to losing weight, it can also cause your metabolism to slow down if your body doesn’t receive the right nutrients. But by consuming nutrient dense foods like acai berries you can counteract this negative aspect of dieting and increase the amount of fat your body is able to lose.

And the good news is you don’t have to be a Hollywood A-lister or live in the amazon to include acai berries in your diet, high concentration acai berry extract is available from, 30 capsules for £2.99 or visit twitter: @MyvitaminsUK for more vitamin and mineral advice, tips and discussions.



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