Victoria appears to sleep on both sides according to Bernadette

Victoria appears to sleep on both sides according to Bernadette

Liz Jones has revealed all the information about the plastic surgery she has had, and this week she explained about her new addiction to fillers.

In her column, she recognises that it is easy for people to become fixated about getting plastic sugery, as her own actions are mimmicking this.

The 53 year old also admitted that she had to have more filler on the side of her face that she sleeps on.

Bernadette Harte, non-surgical training manager at The Harley Medical Group explains why this is:

"Firstly the side that you sleep on regularly will have more fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and the naso labial fold (nose to mouth line) on that side will be deeper - this is because the face is pressed against the pillow for an extended amount of time, causing it to crease.

"The sleeping side may also appear slightly saggier and drier due to loss of elasticity - as you get older the skin loses collagen which reduced its ability to retain elasticity and moisture and this process can be encouraged if the skin is not allowed to breathe properly, something which would happen in a small degree if you sleep on one side of the face more than the other."

Bernadette also comments on some celebrities and what side of the face they sleep on:

Carol Vorderman -  Right side - She appears to have more lines on this side.
Nancy Dell’Olio - Right side – This side appears to have a greater loss of collagen, as it is not as plump or elastic as the other.
Alex Jones - Its possible she sleeps on her back or with no pillow at all as both sides are quite even.
Kate Winslet – I would say she mainly sleeps on both sides but her naso labial fold is slightly deeper on the left side.
Victoria Beckham – She appears to sleep on both sides – as neither shows more lines than the other however this could be a result of Botox and Filler treatments.
Simon Cowell - Right side -  he has more lines around the right eye.
Gary Barlow - Left side -  his naso labial line is deeper.

Bernadette advises to not sleep with too many pillows as this can lead to double chins and encourages more creases in the neck because you're sleeping at an angle.

For those who suffer with acne, if you tend to have more spots on one side of the face - this again could be due to the position that you lie in, in bed. She explains that this is because you are pressing on the sebaceous gland which increases bacteria to that area, this is also the same for scarring from spots. There is likely to be more on the side that you sleep on.

Bernadette continues: "Lastly, if you work in an enviroment in which one side of your face is more exposed to the sun than the other then this side will likely appear more aged. Interestingly you can often tell an officer worker that has sat at the same window in their officer for many years and those who spend a lot of time driving, as they would have seen more sun on one side of their face.

"To avoid your sleeping side being noticeable through these 'tells', it would be best to sleep on your back with minimal pillows, however this would become much less noticeable, if at all, if the patient is having regular non-surgical treatments such as Botox and Fillers."

Femalefirst Taryn Davies

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