Happiness has been proven to give you a longer life

Happiness has been proven to give you a longer life

Happiness may just be the key to a loner a life, according to new research.

A five-year study of almost 4,000 middle-aged and elderly people found those who felt the most positive during the course of a single day tended to live the longest.

This still rung true even when the researches took factors such as chronic health problems, depression and financial security out of the equation.

"We had expected that we might see a link between how happy people felt over the day adn their future mortality, but we were struck by how strong the effect was," says Andrew Steptpe, Ph.D., the lead author of the study and a professor of psychology at University College London.

The study asked people to rate their feHappiness may just be the key to a loner a life, according to new research.elings of happiness and axiety at different points throughout the day.

Researchers found that people who reported feeling happiest had a 35 per cent lower risk of dying during the study than people who were least happy.

Negative emotions did not appear to have any effect on longevity.

Professor Steptoe, continues: "The happiness could be a marker of some other aspect of people's lives which is particularly important for health.

"For example, happiness is quite strongly linked to good social relationships, and maybe it is things that are accounting for the link between happiness and health."

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