Boost your confidence with these tips

Boost your confidence with these tips

80% of adults would like to feel more confident, according to new research, so we’re here to help with tips on how to boost it.

The top five look food, feel good confidence boosting factors for women include having fresh breath, fresh body odour, washed and styled hair, feeling good about their appearance and liking their outfit choice.

Confidence coach Georgina Elliott comments “Self-confidence is important for general happiness and most aspects of life.  When you feel confident you are more likely to reach personal goals and positively influence those around you.   There are lots of other things you can do to boost your confidence, whether it’s simply trying something new, taking time out with friends who make you feel good about yourself or investing some time to look your best!”

“Socialising and being in close contact with others are an important part of daily life, whether you’re at work, going on a date or having a meal out.” 

Top 10 confidence boosting tips from Georgina Elliott, Confidence Coach

Ignore the critics Ditch the negative people who fuel self-doubt and lack of self-worth. Surround yourself with confident, positive people who make you feel good about yourself.

Go! Travel is a HUGE developer of self-confidence, giving you a greater insight into the world and broadening your experience of life. Go somewhere soon you’ve never been to.

No comparison! The greatest enemy of true self-confidence is comparing yourself to others. Stop worrying… just focus on being uniquely YOU!

Spend time with yourself! Self-esteem is rooted in how you feel about yourself. So take the pressure off and take some time out to make friends with yourself, be happy in your own skin.

Looking good, feeling great! Whatever your age, size or life circumstances, invest some time in yourself to feel good about your appearance. Finding the personal style that suits you can make a huge difference to your self-esteem.

Expand your knowledge Learning a new language, skill or just reading to expand your knowledge is a great way to develop your mind and boost confidence. Not only does it develop your interest in the world gives you a lot more to talk about.

Relax! 90% of what we worry about NEVER happens so don’t allow stress to undermine your self-confidence. Take time out to totally switch off or meditate: just 15 minutes a day is a great mind detox.

Get physical! Regularly getting your body moving gets the endorphins flowing and really does make you feel a million times better about yourself! Whether it be starting Zumba classes, regular walks or dusting down the old bike, get a move on… your state of mind will thank you for it.

The past is history Negative experiences in the past can be a real barrier to self-confidence. Let go of these: the past has gone – it’s time now to focus on the present and the future self you would like to be.

The added confidence boost Self-esteem is about feeling good about yourself and communicating this to the world. Boost your confidence further with the knowledge that you will have fresh breath ALL DAY by making CB12 part of your daily routine. 

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