Do you worry about your weight?

Do you worry about your weight?

Diet conscious women worry more about their weight than money according to a new poll.

The survey, run by found that British women fret about those added inches more than paying the bills, their partners and their health.

Children and family topped the poll as being the biggest worry of the 1,000 women surveyed with 84% citing this as their number one concern.

The women were asked to pick out the things that worry them from a list of ten.

Coming in at second place was weight with 67% of the vote closely followed by money which 64% of the women said was a big worry to them.

One respondent said: “My weight always seems to be on my mind, from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed. I catch myself looking at my reflection in shop windows and the same thought crosses my mind every time – that I could do with losing a few pounds.”

Relationships and health came in at fourth and fifth place respectively collecting 52% and 43% of the vote.

Appearance polled sixth place with 38% of women saying they worried about how they looked most of the time.

A mum of three commented: “My children will always be my biggest worry but there’s so much pressure on women to shift stubborn weight and keep trim, it’s no wonder it’s our next biggest concern.”

Work came in closely behind at seventh with 35% of respondents saying this was a concern, especially if they were worried about losing their job or in the process of looking for a new one.

A spokesperson from said: “There is a lot of pressure on women to stay trim and keep fit, so it’s no wonder weight is a big worry for them.

“At this time of year as well, people are starting to think about holidays and about squeezing into all those summer outfits hanging up in the wardrobe. It does seem to be a popular time of year to shed pounds and tone up.”

Other people’s perception of them was another concern of the women surveyed, with 15% saying they were worried that other people didn’t like them or spoke badly of them.

Taking the final two places in the survey were home and holidays with 11% and four per cent respectively.

Another respondent added: “Cash and how to make ends meet is a much bigger concern for me at the moment than my weight. Mind you, I seem to be able to eat what I want and never put a pound on. I’m one of the lucky ones.”

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