Rebel Without A Cause

Rebel Without A Cause

James Dean may have had a very short acting career, just three major movies, but his legacy has lived long after his untimely death.

But none of his movie had more impact than Rebel Without A Cause, which was released back in 1955.

The movie follows a rebellious young man with a troubled past comes to a new town, finding friends and taking on the bullies.

With the age of rock and roll in full swing the movie industry tapped into the teenage market and the birth of the teen movie was here.

And that is exactly why Rebel Without A Cause is such an iconic picture and is still so relevant today.

This movie, for the very first time, highlighted teenagers' struggle at finding where they fit in society.

The film was designed to portray the existing decay of youth in middle America, question parental style, and expose the rift that was growing between the two generations.

But the poster of Dean in the red leather jacket is the enduring image of the actor as he turns in a superb performance in this movie.

The character of Jim Stark doesn't know who he is, what he wants all he needs is some love and support.

Rebel Without A Cause really is a gripping social drama that was directed under the watchful eye of Nicolas Ray.

With Ray at the helm not only is school and the streets a battleground but also the home - where everyone is shouting to be heard.

This is a movie that, at the time, packed a real punch because it was not afraid to show what life was really like.

The central performance from Dean made him a legend - such a shame we didn't get to see that talent flourish.

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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