S: Scarlett Johansson- she is absolutely gorgeous.

M: Scarlett Johanssen, cos I like pouty blondes. Or PJ Harvey cos she’s cool.

What was the last thing you bought?

S: A gorgeous pendant necklace from Anthropologie. It is like one of your Grandma’s old trinket-y things. It’s a black pendant with the sign of the zodiac on it and is set in gold. It’s beautiful and I had to have it, as I am a true Gemini, I have an identical twin sister.

M: A silver jumper that looks like armor.

Have you ever been arrested?

S: Nope. I’d feel guilty being late for school as a kid so no, no criminal behaviour from me.

M: No, I’m not that much of a rebel!

Speaking of prison - if you were to send someone to prison for crimes against music, who would it be?

S: Any rapper that berates women in their songs. I have heard stuff on the radio before and caught a lyric and just got really angry that their words are paraded all over the airwaves.

M: Celine Dion!!!!!

What were you doing‌ last night‌ at 11?

S: zzzzzzzzzz

M: Watching an episode of True Blood. I love those naked Vampires!