Dementia- the female killer

Dementia- the female killer

It has been found that dementia kills more women than any other disease. It kills three times more women than breast cancer, heart attacks and strokes according the National Statistics.

In 2013, 31,850 women died, followed by heart attacks which killed 26,075 and strokes took the lives of 20,706.

Hilary Evans, director of external affairs for Alzheimer's Research UK, said: "The figures highlight dementia as a huge problem that we cannot shy away from any longer.

"Encouragingly, the statistics reveal that other health conditions, such as heart disease, are beginning to be tamed and this has come about due to improved research into treatment, prevention and better public health.

"We must now turn our attentions to dementia - our greatest health challenge - and invest in research that will drive better prevention and treatment of the condition."

Dementia ranks as the third biggest killer of men, with 15,262, who have been diagnosed with the disease. Lung cancer took the lives of 16,818 men but heart attacks still remain the biggest health issue among men.

Analysts say that this 7.5% increase in the disease is down to doctors being able to detect the brain syndrome and deem it as the cause of death.

The statistics are timely, after GPs will now receive £50 for every patient that they diagnose with dementia to investigate previously unexamined cases.

Cancer is still responsible for a third of deaths in the UK, but it was reported that patients are being sent home too early from hospital and missing out on that all important diagnosis.

Source: The Independent.



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