The hashtag #MarriageAdviceIn3Words has gone viral, as men and women offer marriage advice in just three words on the social networking site.

"don't do it"

Thousands of tweets have appeared since social media users were invited to share their #MarriageAdviceIn3Words on Tuesday. Some tweets displayed a rather pessimistic perspective of marriage - including "don't do it", "get a prenup" and "marry for money" - while others were more positive. Suggestions range from the practical and insightful to the humorous and bizarre.

Religious advice was popular, with many suggestions such as "Put Christ first" and "Love God first".

A user going by the name of Tyrion Lannister, a Game of Thrones character, made reference to the show when he posted, "Avoid Red Weddings".

Many users offered advice related to infidelity and online privacy, including "No hot nannies!", "Skip Ashley Maddison", "separate Facebook accounts", and "clear browser history". Others referenced hygiene habits, like "toilet seat down", or emphasised that the woman should always triumph in an argument: "She's always right", "ask my wife".

An account under the name Henry Tudor, the English king who famously married (and sometimes executed) a string of women, advised readers to lower their expectations.

A few celebrities even added their three words of guidance. On Comedy Central, Seth Green darkly commented, "Eventually you'll die", while comedian Craig Ferguson advised "DENY DENY DENY"

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