Guardians of Peace will not stop here

Guardians of Peace will not stop here

The Guardians of Peace, those responsible for hacking Sony Pictures’ servers have again released more data they have managed to gather from the movie studio. The have also threated another release of private information the run up to Christmas.

Sony’s subsidiaries claimed that they knew its systems were hacked back in 2013 when sensitive information was first leaked.

"We are preparing for you a Christmas gift," said the first message, which was posted on Pastebin and Friendpaste on Saturday, stating: "The gift will be larger quantities of data. And it will be more interesting. The gift will surely give you much more pleasure and put Sony Pictures into the worst state."

The message included torrent links to a new 6.45GB archive of uncompressed data titled "My Life At The Company – Part 2," says Risk Based Security. The archive contains 6,560 files in 917 folders.

The message also contained five anonymous email addresses so that people could request the next piece of information is they want to read about.

These posts were removed quickly for legal reasons according to Friendpaste. Sony warned that there would be huge financial penalties for any more leaked data.

On Sunday a 5.53 GB series of emails were released form Sony Pictures International President Steven O’Dell, which comprised of 72,900 emails including deleted messages.

The sooner SPE accept our demands, the better, of course. The farther time goes by, the worse state SPE will be put into and we will have Sony go bankrupt in the end.

Message to SPE Staffers. We have a plan to release emails and privacy of the Sony Pictures employees. If you don't want your privacy to be released [sic], tell us your name and business title to take off your data.

The Guardians of Peace have released records including salaries, cvs, criminal record checks, home addresses and social security numbers of over 40,000 staff both current and former and their private emails too.

Some employees have already fallen victim to identity theft and the company has to tackle not only falling staff morale and the fear of more data being released for public viewing.

Source: The Register 


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