A pregnant passerby who found a group of anti-abortion protesters allegedly filming women walking into an abortion clinic was not happy with what she found and let her voice be known in London, leaving them speechless.

Chiming in at around 1 minute into the video, she agrees that the members of Abort67 should stop filming with their camera to protect patient confidentiality.

Abort67 had at the time denied filming patients going into the surgery and claimed that the footage was to be used to provide evidence against those who say they use bullying tactics.

"You are wrong in what you're doing. You don't know why people are doing what they're doing, but you want to be out here judging and then filming."

She goes on to call one of the protesters a hypocrite as she herself had said she had an abortion in earlier life, and refers to a recent incident when a newborn baby was found dead in North Yorkshire, left in a wheelie bin.

"Maybe if their mum didn't feel that way because of people like you, that baby wouldn't have died.

"You think it's better for them to get rid of it at ten weeks or to actually go through with the birth and then kill the child?"

The unnamed woman also brings up the fact that they're protesting near a charity called Kids Company, which provides support to vulnerable inner-city children, some of whom have been forced into sex work or have been sexually abused.

As she walks away, telling them again that what they're doing is wrong, the protesters are left without anything to say, unable to argue back.

Hundreds of people have applauded the woman in the two days the video has been on YouTube, and thousands of pounds has also been donated to the Kids Company 'Give a vulnerable child the gift of Christmas' campaign.

An Abort67 spokesman told MailOnline: "The YouTube video by Sunny Hundal which reveals the gentle nature by which we hold our displays serves to emphasise that abortion is indefensible.

"Pro-aborts like Sunny can't defend killing small human beings so he tries (in vain) to shame our volunteers for trying to defend the unborn child."

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