If you struggle to get your children to eat the recommended daily amount of fruit then Ronald McDonald is at hand to help children understand that fruit can and is fun and flavoursome.

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

McDonald’s has teamed up with parenting expert Jacqueline Harding to come up with four fruit-based activities for kids as they launch Free Fruit Fridays (the first Friday of every month).

The idea is to put the fun back into fruit and share ways to make it easier for parents to get their kids eating their 5-a-day, as results reveal a quarter of parents find it difficult to get their kids to eat fruit and only 1 in 10 kids are eating the recommended amount each day.

Parents struggle to make fruit fun with one in five parents admitting that it is one of their top challenges with one in five parents resorting to using little white lies to get their kids to eat their fruit and veg. The popular tale among parents is telling kids that carrots make you see in the dark and spinach will make you strong.

Jacqueline Harding has created four fruit-based activities for kids. She suggests fruit kebabs, fruit dominoes, fruit noughts & crosses and fruit monster faces.

McDonalds put the fruit-based activities to the test with a group of children aged 5 to 9. Take a look at what happened when we invited a group of kids to put her favourite ways for 5-a-day fun to the test.

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