Don't change your status!

Don't change your status!

Just in case the message is not clear enough- there is an educational video to demonstrate what can go wrong if you don’t stick to these five simple rules!

Don’t change your statues without consulting your partner- If you suddenly pop up as single- without telling your partner that you don’t want to be a couple anymore- the world knows before them. It embarrassing and scores you a bit fat fail when it comes to communication.

Don’t post embarrassing pics- This will only come back to bite you in the ass- if you have pics of them doing odd things and exposing parts of their body that were only intended for your eyes- chances are they will have an archive of you- just don’t open that can of worms.

Don’t post indiscreet messages- Again- this will take a u-turn- if you post something unsavoury on his timeline- he will most certainly retort with an equally hurtful and shameful message.

Don't steal friends- Adding all of his friends will only stop you moving on- for he will still be all over your timeline in their picture tags and mentions. You need to give yourself a fighting chance to get over him, so stick with your mates and no more.

Don’t set up hate groups- This is just an unnecessary and negative waste of your time- why not take that passion and inject it into finding someone else? Hating is not an attractive quality.


by for
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