have you been to any of them?

have you been to any of them?


A first date is stressful enough without the added pressure of the setting for your meeting being a bit lame, so promotionalcodes.org have revealed seven places we hope he avoids when he is arranging your romantic evening together.


Football Match


Let’ face it, there are not many girls who like football. He might be lucky and strike gold with a date who likes the game but chances are, she won’t support the same football team. Sitting among rowdy fans in the  freezing cold, with a hotdog and a can is not really my idea of a good first date. There is no time for talking and if the team loses then you can guarantee your man will be in slump for the rest of the night.


All you can eat buffet


It’s cheap, there is lots of choice for fussy eaters, however, there is no way that any self-respecting woman would pile their plate high on a first date, that comes later. It’s not possible to trough like a pig when you are trying to make conversation and look relatively attractive at the same time. We all know that men are notorious for being big eaters, but it’s not endearing either if your man looks like he hasn’t eaten in weeks by the copious amounts of food piled on his plate. Buffets can often have a reputation for making one ill too, with the varied flavours and ingredients- spending the night in the public bathroom ‘pebble dashing’ the toilet bowel is not sexy in any way.


Family Wedding


You will be grilled to within in an inch of your life and you will end up running for the hills gripping your burned arse. Weddings last all day long so if it’s a flop then ordinarily, you only have a couple of hours to wait to flee. At a wedding there is no escape and families are great at guilt tripping you into things you don’t want to because ‘our Sam has had such a bad time with women in the past….’ And you’re thinking; ‘yeah- I can see why….’




Being anywhere alone on a first date is daunting- in their house, in the back of a restaurant, with few others around you. In the arse end of nowhere- likely with no reception is a bit ‘the call is coming from inside the house’. Bad loos, no electricity to do your hair and make-up, limited water supply- none of them bode well for looking sparkling in the morning! ‘OMG is that a yeti?’ ‘No just me….’


Ice Skating


Films are deceptive where this is concerned- laughing, holding each other’s hands and suggestively skating into one another- it’s all seems lovely, gliding you through to your next date. The reality is you are on your arse most of the night worrying about if your fingers are going to get sliced off.




Now I am never one to turn down a McDonalds, however the setting is not really a date ideal. A bunch of chavs in the corner swearing and talking about the last person they ‘banged’ along with the hurry to finish up your big mac and get out because it’s a-fast-food-joint-after-all is not romantic in the slightest. The food is messy so you are bound to get their 'special sauce' all down your chin..





Everyone can hear a pin drop in a museum, so you’re not going to start and talk about yourself while others can eavesdrop. He might be really interested in Ancient Egypt, but all you can think about is how hungry you are or when you’re next waxing appointment is just to pass the time, while trying not to yawn.


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