Tackle Age Gap Relationships

Tackle Age Gap Relationships

So you’ve got a new boyfriend, he’s tall dark and handsome – everything you look for in a man. The only problem is, he’s got 20 years on you and you’re getting wondering looks from passers-by who can’t decide whether he’s your dad or your boyfriend.

If you’re anything like us, then you’ll understand the attraction to an older man but how can you deal with the age gap? Here are some tips to get you on the right track!

Are You Compatible?

Especially with a large age gap, it’s likely that you’re at different stages in life and have different interests. They do say opposites attract but are you too opposite?

Make sure you have some common ground, something that you can both relate to so that you can find a connection with each other – if this is the case then you might well just make the perfect couple.

Have ‘The Talk’

Yes, it can be awkward to throw marriage and kids into the mix in the early stages but it’s especially important in age gap relationships.

If he’s older then he may be ready for kids and marriage now, whereas you may want to wait a while. There is also the possibility that he’s already been married and had kids and doesn’t want to do them both all over again.

You both need to discuss what you’re hoping for in the future so that you can set off on a clear footing and avoid any nasty surprises further down the line!


It’s often a massive worry for women that they’ll not meet expectations when it comes to sex with an older man. Do not worry.

As you should know by now, sex is different with just about everyone – not necessarily good or bad but different. You’ll both be experiencing each other’s bodies for the first time so you’ll both be faced with having to learn new things.

Each person likes something different from the last so it’s about exploring each other and finding out what turns you both on. Don’t be worried about what he has and hasn’t done, just experiment to find out what he likes and soon he’ll have forgotten about any other woman in his life!


Family can cause some massive issues when it comes to age gap relationships and dads can be especially hard to handle. If your new man is closer to your dad’s age than yours then there is bound to be some friction there.

Talk to your family beforehand, explain the age gap and express how you feel for this man, pinpointing that he makes you happy. They make take a little time to come round but hopefully once they see how happy you both are they’ll be fully accepting.

There is often the ‘gold-digger’ label attached to you if you date an older man, so when meeting his family just be polite, natural and your affection towards your man. Try not to put the kindness into overkill or they may suspect that you’re buttering them up!


Don’t fret over what other people think. Yes, you may get some funny looks and yes some won’t approve but remember that your happiness is paramount so put anything else to the back of your mind and focus on being happy!


Cara Mason @FemaleFirst_UK