There is a huge amount of pressure when it comes to first dates – will they like me? Am I dressed right? What if they’re not who they said they were? These are all questions that run through our heads.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

So it helps to try and avoid any other faux pas that might present during the date. Dating experts at introductions agency Bowes Lyon Partnership ( have compiled some tips to help your date go as smoothly as possible!


It affects people in a whole manner of different ways, and whether an individual is religious or not, they are sure to have some views on beliefs and faith.

In certain circumstances, debate about religion can actually create stimulating and interesting conversation, but laying all beliefs and strong opinions bare on a first date can end in disaster.

No two opinions on religion are the same, and a heated argument within hours of meeting someone doesn’t spell an automatic second date, so it is wise to steer away from deep conversation about this topic until a little further along the line.


Similar to religion, the vast majority of people have immovable opinion about politics, and so it is unwise to descend into outright debate or even argument on a first date.

The first date atmosphere should be light and flirty, with friendly conversation about topics which can remain neutral; politics do not fall under any of these categories.

In the long run, someone’s political views will probably not be enough to end a relationship, and so holding off on deep discussions about party politics can be eschewed for the first date at least.

Past Relationships

Everyone has had relationships with good and some bad experiences all round. It is inevitable that, at some point, should the relationship be successful, conversation about exes will eventually come to light.

Regardless, any mention of previous relationships on a first date should be kept light and broad, without too much detail.

Should the first date go well, there is plenty of time to share details of misfortune with previous partners, but spilling out the minutiae of a recent messy divorce can be a serious faux pas in dating terms.


In-depth discussions about money and how much of it one possesses can be considered rude at the best of times, and should certainly not be brought up on a first date.

Financial issues should remain private until such a time as is appropriate; bragging about having a lot of money can come across as cocky or arrogant, whilst mentioning not having enough could look as though you are trying to evade splitting the bill come the end of the date!