Gary Spivak is the founder of FidelityDating, a dating site for infidelity survivors and has replied to our article 10 Comebacks from an extra marital dating site with his 10 reasons to stay faithful and avoid such web destinations altogether.


1) Ashley Madison did not invent infidelity but infidelity is not healthy for a marriage. Many psychologists state infidelity is very unhealthy and destroys families.

Use the internet to do things together not apart and with other people

Use the internet to do things together not apart and with other people

2) Of course Ashley Madison promotes infidelity. They promote their website which is a website for infidelity.

3) They do a great job of hiding cheating spouses, Bravo! Some infidelity survivors have caught their spouse cheating on Ashley Madison.

4) Infidelity seems like it's at epidemic levels and most men cheat with women so women always had opportunities to cheat. Ashley Madison states women now have the same opportunity as men to cheat but that doesn't mean it's right or moral.

5) Ashley Madison wants you to believe they help save marriages. Many divorce attorney's cite infidelity as one of the top reasons for divorces.

6) Adults who use Ashley Madison are responsible for their own actions but Ashley Madison doesn't have clean hands. An illegal drug dealer provides the drugs but isn't responsible for people buying and using the drugs.

7) Some online sites have made it easier for cheaters to have affairs but there are also some great online sites that provide support and resources to those who have been cheated on like

8) One of the ten commandments is "thou shalt not covet neighbor's wife" so the bible does go against infidelity. Hebrews 13:4 Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.

9) If one spouse does not want to fulfill his/her conjugal duties then there are several options: seek marriage/sex counselor to find out the issue and work at fixing it, an open marriage, or divorce.

10) Love is precious. Stay faithful.

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