A new study conducted by myvouchercodes.co.uk has uncovered that woman are more likely to surprise their partner with gifts.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Not only do women buy more surprise gifts for their partners but they also spend more as well, with the research showing that women spend nearly double what men do on each gift that they buy.

Women were shown to spend £24.92 on average, whereas men would spend £13.26, making women the more generous partner.

This is reflected again when it’s shown that 42 per cent of woman would regularly buy gifts for their partner, but only 26 per cent of men say that buying gifts for their woman is a regular occurrence.

So why do we buy surprise gifts for our other halves? Well, it appears that men and women buy for very different reasons.

The research showed that the majority of women (39 per cent) bought for their partners simply because they loved them, but only 14 per cent of men bought for the same reason.

Men, on the other hand, mostly bought gifts for their women as a form of apology. Thirty four per cent of men admitted to this, whereas only 6 per cent of women stated this as their reason for buying their partner gifts.

As well as buying more often and spending more, it was also discovered that women were more likely to expect surprise gifts from their men. 51 per cent of woman surveyed said that they expect regular gifts from their partners, whereas only 13 per cent of men ever expect gifts from theirs.

So, although women seem to be the more generous partner, they also seem to expect more from theirs. Hopefully, with a little more coaxing, we can get men up to the same standard of thinking hey girls?

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