

Monday 7th April is World Health Day so with a little help from coach Jo Grobbelaar, who has teamed up with Elite Singles, she has shared a few secrets as to why being healthy can affect your love life.
A study found that then men rated most attractive had higher levels of testosterone and a strong immune system. Given the connection between testosterone, the stress hormone and facial attractiveness, it would suggest that women are more attracted to men with healthier immune systems.  
Chilled Out
Men prefer a woman who is laid back and lower stress levels are synonymous with attractiveness. In a study, it was found that the women who were rated as highly attractive had lower stress levels. Stress can affect fertility, so it is no wonder that men are attracted to women who are emotionally healthy. 
Healthy Eating 
A healthy diet can do more for you than slapping on the make-up. It was found that the most appealing skin colours are those that are directly affected by diet and exercise. ‘You are what you eat’ is certainly true in this case as looks are a result of what we put in our bodies- men are more attracted to the natural version of you not the one hidden beneath layers of foundation!
Fat and Genes
Although the cliché is that women look for a big stropping man, slimmer men are more successful in the dating scene among women. Slimmer men have stronger immune systems, so it suggests that women go for men who are slimmer for they know that they have a healthier body all round. 
Play Sports
Another study found that there was a connection between adrenaline and attraction, which explains why people meet their partner at the gym. So their fitness is not only for your own health but for the health of your relationship! 

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