Every couple of months, a new trend comes along that shakes things up in the dating world. However, the latest phenomenon of ‘being zombied’ is just as scary as its name suggests. It refers to the process of meeting someone online, exchanging messages and even arranging to meet before being blown off for an extended period of time. Just at the point you thought all was lost – the ‘zombie’ returns from the dead and begins to haunt you once more. So what to do when faced with attack? We spoke to eHarmony expert Verity Hogan to find out more:

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

See behind the screen

Social media and digital dating makes it easy to zombie, but that doesn’t give us a free pass to view other people and their emotions as disposable. Zombieing suggests emotional unavailability, a lack of awareness of other people’s feelings and zero backbone. If you are tempted to get involved, then think again. It’s not big or clever and certainly won’t make you appear more attractive.

Don’t let them get your brain

No matter how much you liked someone online, without meeting in the flesh it’s much harder to tell if you will have a good connection. When somebody you enjoy talking to falls suddenly falls off the radar, it’s tempting to think about them or even send messages.  Hard as it may sound, try not to chase somebody who doesn’t respond and instead seek out people who are genuinely interested in you and what you have to say.

Avoid biting immediately

Chances are, after a few weeks or months off the scene, the zombie will suddenly reappear in your life – as if by magic. At this stage, you need to think carefully about getting back involved with someone who may return to the dark side at any stage. If you were hurt the first time by their absence, it may be better for your self-esteem to steer clear.

Consider your options

If you are sick and tired of playing games, and feel like you are constantly targeted by zombies (or ghosts, remember them!) then maybe you need to re-evaluate what you are looking for and where. At eHarmony we’ve spent decades studying the key ingredients that create happy, lasting relationships, connecting highly compatible people who want the same things. So head our way if you're ready to wave goodbye to the walking dead.

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