When asking around the office- the most we know is five phone numbers each- one of which is our mum's. Gone are the days where you need to memorise everyone's number- especially your partner's- it's stored right there under their actual name or cutesy nickname.

How would you contact your partner if your mobile died?

How would you contact your partner if your mobile died?

These couples prove that it doesn't matter how long you might have been together- knowing each other's phone number is not a measure of commitment anymore- where once it might have been. If you talked to your lover very night- dialling their number was as natural as breathing.

After watching this- I had a moment of panic and wrote my husband's number down in my diary- because if I ever lost my phone, I would have to send a crow or an owl with a handwritten message or walk to the top of the nearest hill and light a fire to let him know that I was still alive.

I couldn't tweet him, email him, Facebook him, or ring one of his relatives to pass on the message. And there are a distinct lack of internet cafes in the north west to consider that as an alternative. I would have to call my mum at home and get her to call him for me. But the likelihood is she wouldn't be home and I would need to call her mobile- but guess what? I don't know that either! So therein lies the dilemma.

This video has really made me think how much phones have hindered as much as helped today's couples to communicate in a state of emergency.

Now it's your turn to watch and get paranoid! 

Video by Elite Daily

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