Your kitchen looks like the fresh produce aisle in the supermarket- You can't move for bowls of fruit on the side and you feel compelled to eat it because it's there.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Your bread mysteriously shrunk one day- It reduced to half the size it used to be and your morning toast or lunchtime sandwich made you feel sad for a while. That was until you realised that the 'extra thick' cut you used to buy looked more like something you'd prop a door open with than food.

Weather forecast- windy- You tend to eat lots of peas and beans now- and it means you're constantly 'bloaty' downstairs. But it's ok, you've learned that you're in this together- for every bottom cough you make your partner can totally match it. It's like a contest.

You were surprised at how versatile tomatoes can be- They now appear in every dish you or your other half makes and you quite like the taste of them now. You no longer see them as just the thing that makes a salad

You're constantly wired on Diet Coke- You realised early on that it's great for the physical side of your relationship because you can't sleep for hours after your last glass.

Your fridge is covered in their certificates- You're proud of your partner- but secretly wish that someone would give you a certificate or a sticker when you succeed at something. You're tempted to run it past your boss every time you have a productive day. You know deep down however that you'd rather be rewarded with chocolate so it's probably for the best.

Frylight is involved in every meal- Your existing oil gets an upgrade to one that you spray- not pour- and it takes a while for the novelty to wear off. In fact it still hasn't.

You're allowed carbs- Unlike the last diet your beloved went on where you fantasized about munching on sandwiches and chips - now you can eat stodge and it feels GOOD. Bring on the pasta.

When they first talked about sins- You initially thought you were on a promise- then you quickly realised they were talking about food. Sigh.

You know by their face if they've lost weight or not- As soon as they set foot through the door post-group- you know if you're going to have lovely night together or if you need to hide any food that could result in a defeatist binge.

You've become more regular- With all that fibre making its way through your system, you may find that you're visiting the bathroom a whole lot more. Suddenly- pooping becomes a mainstream conversation with your partner and no longer causes any embarrassment.

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