It takes you forever to leave the house- While she checks the taps are off, the plug sockets are empty and the doors are locked.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Your cupboards will be in good order- Everything is in date and lined up like soldiers.

Everything has a way of being done- From folding, to facing and lining- you will only do it wrong so you stopped trying to help a long time ago.

There is always the smell of bleach in the air- She uses it on doorknobs, surfaces, floors, windows- the lot- You fear that your nasal passages may be permenantly damaged.

Your DVDs/ books/ CDs are in alphabetical order- So when you want to watch something specific, you always know where it is. This one actually makes sense. You once tried to mess them up to see if she noticed. She did and you never did it again.

Drawers are not where unwanted things lie- In fact they are just as tidy and organised as everything that's on show.

You can't simply shut the car and walk away- Without her checking all the doors are locked and the windows are up- even if it's raining outside and have no reason to put the window down.

You're never able to find your stuff- As soon as you leave it on a surface- it's gone- to a place that makes sense to her but not to you.

You are constantly under scrutiny- She asks you if you've locked the door and turned off the hob and when you don't give her a convincing enough answer, she goes and checks herself.

Bed times are bittersweet- You snuggle up to her and begin to drift off but then she's up and out of bed to check that the car boot is locked or the toaster is unplugged. Many a romantic moment has been ruined this way.