A new study conducted by www.vouchercodespro.co.uk found that one in ten Brits are living with someone who's not 'the one.' More worryingly, a quarter had contemplated breaking up with their partner in the last month.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

11% of Brits are unhappy in their relationship, but on a more positive note- 17% are happy for most of the time and 72% they are completely happy with the person they have set up home with.

12% believe that they have made a mistake and settled down and for the wrong person. When asked what made them doubt their partnership a number of reasons came up. Many cited personality clashes as driving a wedge between them and their significant other- 21% blamed infidelity. 17% said that lack of intimacy has resulted in a parting of ways.

When the respondents were asked why they chose not to leave someone they no longer have feelings for- there was a mixture of being scared to be single, a worry that they might never find anyone else and 17% feared they might regret jumping ship later down the line.

This clearly doesn't stop people from thinking about leaving as 72% had considered it at least once since they got together. With a quarter fantasising about being single only a few weeks ago.

Spokesperson for www.VoucherCodesPro.co.uk George Charles made the following comments regarding the findings of the research:

"It really is quite saddening and distressing to discover how many Britons are just staying in relationships due to fear or lack of confidence. If you aren't happy with a relationship, that should be it, it should be over. I know it's very difficult for those who have been with their other half for a long time to break free from the routine and the norm but it will be worth it when you're smiling again."

by for relationships.femalefirst.co.uk
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