In light of new research by Betta Living who found that dumping towels is the biggest cause of friction in UK homes, we take a look at other things that aggravate couples about one another’s habits and attitudes. We talk to Barry Rourke form Betta Living and ask him about the gender spilt in household chores.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Why is harmony in the home so important for a relationship?


Life can be pretty stressful in general so having a harmonious home is important for everyone, to come home, close the door and forget the stresses of the outside world. 


Why is it that women do most of the household chores?


While this does differ in some households, I am not surprised our survey gave this result overall. Without making sweeping statement, I think it's possibly that women can multi task better than men and just like things to be done to their standards - well that's in our house anyway.  


Despite not hanging towels being relatively small in the scheme of things why does it cause so much dischord in the house?


Because it's such an easy thing to avoid with a little bit of thought; this is what makes it so annoying.


What other things do couples argue over in the house?


Gosh where do we start, other items listed in our results were who has control over the remote control and what you watch on TV was another biggie, the heating - how hot the house should be and how long to have the heating on for, who makes the next cup of tea and who gets up if the kids wake in the night. 


Why do women think the putting the bins out is a man's job and men think cleaning the bathroom is a woman's job?


I think this one is more tradition than anything and that men tend to do the outside and women inside, but really I'm not sire on this one. You'll have to ask my wife maybe.


Why would men think that washing clothes is not their task?


I think this stems from history and traditional roles, it's one task that's not kept up with the times and the more equal roles with regards to work and responsibilities.  That said, laundry devices are becoming quite technologically advanced - men might take a bit more interest.


Do you think that we will ever escape the gender divide in terms of household chores?


I'd love to say yes as I'm all for equality, but probably not for a while. More women are working than ever before so roles should be equal and it's amazing the progress we've made to shake off old roles and stereotypes.






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