As celebrate another National Nude Day, we take a look at the benefits of napping in the buff with your man!

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Intimacy- Skin on skin makes couples feel closer physically and emotionally. When you touch, it's a sign of love. It's important to show each other some attention in bed even if you are not going to have sex and napping naked can make each other feel comforted, secure and soothed. Nakedness can build up good feelings, even if you have had an argument which aids in ironing out any bad feelings.

Feel Good- When you nap naked next to your partner- your body releases a feel good hormone called oxytocin when your skin touches. It can help reduce depression and stress. It also reduces blood pressure, improves gut motility and decreases intestinal inflammation, according to Naturopathic Doctor, Natasha Turner who blogged for Huff Post Canada.

Sex- If the only time you normally would get naked is when you have sex, then this can trick the body into thinking that it's ready for some physical action, so your weekly quota might just be on the rise as a result. You might have to save your nap for later.

Confidence- If you are shy around your partner when having sex or getting dressed, then this will make naked more normal, you will become accustomed to how your body looks and feels and so your partner will too, making it less of a taboo in your relationship. Touch makes women feel good about themselves- touch while you are naked makes you feel more attractive and beautiful.

Healthy sex organs- If you sleep naked you reduce your risk of yeast infections. Yeast production thrives in most conditions, so by giving your vagina some air the dryer it will be and the less likely you will suffer from infections, which can get in the way of your love life.

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