The Fitties- They always have a salad and never have dessert. Their drinks are always diet or water and they calculate their calorie intake in their food diary on their phone. These couples often have six packs, tight fitting clothes and if you eavesdrop- they talk about their next gym session plans or the success of their last one. The rest of is are the envy of these couples until we see what they eat.

The sharers

The sharers

The Hipsters- They go straight for the things marked 'new' on the menu. They often get two different dishes and share them so they get to experience as many new flavours as possible. Their chat is generally making comparisons to the last meal they had together. Date night is always a restaurant for this pair.

The Foodstagrammers- They take pictures of every course with their phone, arranging the cutlery and centrepieces so their photo looks like something out of a magazine. They then argue over who is going to post their date night picky so their friends don't have repetitious feeds.

The Made in Chelsea Wannabes- They eat and drink to impress- having the most expensive things on the menu- then one pulls out their credit card because they are dining well above their means. They may look the part but everyone knows that their relationship is going to be saddled with unnecessary debt.

The Tinder dates- The folks at this table are not hot on conversation and ordering is a tall feat because their comfort zone is swiping. If one makes a swift exit- it's because they have a better offer.

The Vapers- Next to their fork and knife is their e-cigarette- they vape between courses and may talk about their struggles over quitting and replacing smoking with other bad habits like eating out too much.

by for
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