I think I have to dump him!

I think I have to dump him!

Hayley Quinn has kindly offered to support our readers over the Christmas period too- so today she is tackling the issue of family and relationships.


Reader dilemma:


‘I really do love James and we have been seeing each other for about a year but my mum really does not like him. I don’t want to dump him but I think I might have to please help what should I do’


Hayley says:


‘Having to choose between two people you care about can feel like an impossible decision. You'll find that it becomes a lot easier though when you see there are more than two options here. It shouldn't be a choice between your boyfriend and your mum: there is a lot of middle ground that you can find.’


‘Could you find an opportunity for your mum and your boyfriend to connect? Could you give yourself a week's breather from the boyfriend to appease your mum, and give yourself some thinking time? Could you get better at asserting yourself and telling your mum that she has to accept you're an adult now, and you'd like her to support your decisions?’ 


‘You'll see that there's definitely a better selection of options here rather than just ditch your boyfriend. However, they all require you to get stronger in knowing what you want, and communicating it to the people around you. As otherwise, the hazard of allowing other people to make decisions for you is that you won't get anything you want.’


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