LightBulbs Direct has found that 1 in 10 people learn household skills from their partner- so here are a few things women try to teach men around the house but fail miserably at.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Dirty clothes belong in the washing basket- Not on the floor, on the bed or tucked under pillows. How does that rhyme go again? Oh yes- If dirty clothes go on the floor- your boyfriend/husband goes out the door.

Dirty plates belong in the dishwasher- Not on the kitchen surface, in the living room or dining room. The wizard in The Sword in the Stone is sadly not coming over anytime soon.

Shower curtains are pulled to after use- Just like a man's sweaty ball sack, they all need air.

Toilets are cleaned after use- Any remnants should be dealt with by the person who put them there. Skid marks are about as desirable in clean toilets as they are on freshly tarmacked roads.

Crumbs are to be gathered- Not left on the bread board like a miniature game of marbles.

The bed should be made every day- The unmade bed might have graced art galleries, but unless the last one out is aspiring to be a famous artist any time soon- they must pull the covers too.

Things on the stairs go up- Anything placed on the stairs has an upwards destination- leave it there and someone might slip on it and fall when coming back down. Save yourself!

If someone takes the time out to make it- eat it-Vegetables are good! They give couples energy for late night pursuits, not send the consumer into a sugar and carb induced coma by 8pm.

Clothes off the line should be put away- Wardrobes are where clothes belong- even the one to Narnia had coats hanging in it.

Pockets should not be emptied onto the side- If he can't bare things in pockets it might be time for a man bag!